Exhibition and Sponsorship Management

Exhibition and Sponsorship Management

At NNE we understand that in certain organisations one of the major impacts on the financial success of a conference is down to sponsorship and exhibition income.

NNE over the years has a proven track record in generating substantial income from sponsors. Our clients have benefited immensely from our knowledge and contacts with companies in various industries.

Once we receive the floor plan for the venue we can devise an exhibitor’s pack with the various options on stand sizes, sponsorship opportunities and advertising.

Full administrative support will be offered and will include:

  • Preparation of sponsorship pack
  • Design of exhibition floor plan
  • Mailing to prospects and negotiations with potential sponsors
  • Preparation of conditions and contracts
  • Finalising contracts
  • Processing payments

Using our bespoke online registration system we will develop a registration form for exhibitors and sponsors who can select their purchases. As our system runs on real time in removes the risk of double item bookings. Our system will automatically update any item when it has sold out.

For further information about our Exhibition and Sponsorship Services, please contact us below.