Our trainers and consultants are internationally recognised as experts in the field of violence risk assessment.
They are approved trainers and several members of our team have authored one or more risk assessment manual.

Picture of Dr Caroline Logan

Dr Caroline Logan

Caroline Logan is a Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist. She has worked as a lead Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist in high and medium secure forensic mental health services in the north of England and as a consultant/contractor with law enforcement agencies in the UK for almost 30 years. She is also an honorary senior lecturer at the University of Manchester and a scientist at Helse Bergen in Norway. 
Dr Logan has ongoing clinical and research interests in personality disorder (including psychopathy), risk, violent extremism, and forensic clinical interviewing, and she has a special interest in gender issues in the range of offending behaviour.
She has published five books and over 80 articles on these subjects, including Violent Extremism: A Handbook of Risk Assessment and Management, a book co-edited with Randy Borum and Paul Gill, published in November 2023, and a second edition of Managing Clinical Risk: A Guide to Effective Practice, co-edited with Lorraine Johnstone, published in December 2023. She has commenced work on a new book on personality and risk. 

Picture of Dr David Cooke

Dr David Cooke

David Cooke a Chartered Forensic and Chartered Clinical Psychologist. As a practising forensic clinical psychologist his research has always had an applied as well as a theoretical in orientation. His research has three broad themes; the nature of psychopathic personality disorder, the impact of institutional factors on the level of violence in forensic settings and prisons, and finally, the theoretical challenges of carrying out valid violence risk assessments of individuals. He has have published over 200 academic works including 130+ papers in peer review journals, many book chapters, 6 research monographs and 3 books. David was head of Forensic Clinical Psychology services in Glasgow (1984-2007). He was Professor of Forensic Clinical Psychology at Glasgow Caledonian University (1992-2016; part-time) and a Visiting Professor in the department of Psychology at the University of Bergen, Norway (2006-2020; part-time). David is currently an adjunct professor in Faculty of Law of the Australian Catholic University    

David has been a fellow of the British Psychological Society since 1986 and in 2004 was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh – Scotland’s National Academy of Science and Letters. In 2006 he received the Senior Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Forensic Psychology from the Division of Forensic Psychology of the British Psychological Society. In 2012 he received the Doctor of the University degree from the Armenian State University and the David the Invincible Medal from the Armenian Philosophical Academy. In 2018 he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the European Association of Psychology and Law. David was President of the European Association of Psychology and Law between 2009-2012.

David has provided workshops on institutional violence, violence risk assessment and psychopathy in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, North America, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Armenia and the Caribbean.

Picture of Lisa Davies

Lisa Davies

Lisa Davies is a Consultant Forensic Psychologist, working in full time private practice as the Director of Expert Psychological Services Ltd, an expert witness consultancy. Ms. Davies has worked in prisons, low, medium and high secure services.
Ms. Davies provides psychological assessments for the purposes of the courts, immigration tribunals and parole board. In the last eight years, Ms. Davies has provided assessments of victims and perpetrators of organised crime, modern slavery and human trafficking, and receives referrals for clients at all stages of the criminal justice system, from charge through to appeal against sentence and conviction and appeals against removal from the UK, with focused attention on the assessment of the risk of harm presented to the public by individuals convicted of offences related to organised crime, human trafficking and modern slavery.
Ms. Davies has been involved in the assessment of risk of adult males and females known or suspected to be involved in human trafficking and modern slavery and is regularly called upon to give expert evidence. She has provided psychological consultancy to peer mentors with lived experience of leaving criminal gangs and supporting individuals exiting from criminal gangs. Ms. Davies has provided training in human trafficking and modern slavery to police officers within the UK.
Ms. Davies has been involved in the assessment of risk in forensic settings and structured professional judgement approaches to risk assessment for over 20 years.